I'm OK with taking risks. Is there a revolutionary way to treat ADHD?

I have a strange type of ADHD, and all common stimulants are counterproductive, but when I use Clonazepam or Nortriptyline, my ADHD improves significantly. I also have CFS, so that may be related (Clonazepam and Nortriptyline are effective for my CFS as well as my ADHD).

So, what are some drugs that are not commonly used but actually have a dramatic effect on some ADHD patients?

Also, I have very poor ability to think of things as images, spatial awareness, and time perception, and I would like to train these abilities.

Is it impossible for modern drug treatments to treat spatial awareness and time perception, as well as simple task processing ability?

I would like to know if there is any revolutionary method.

Also, I would like to know if there are any information forums other than Reddit where I can get in-depth information about ADHD, like Phoenix Rising for CFS.

(This may be an old-fashioned way of thinking, but I think my right brain is weak. There is also the idea that interpreting brain functions in terms of the left and right brain is outdated, but to simplify things and put it in words, my right brain is very weak. I hope there is some kind of treatment that works for this.)

Hi, welcome.

To get an idea of whether, how severe and to what extent you might have ADHD, you can take the ADHD symptom test on ADxS.org. This is an online screening. Only an experienced doctor or therapist can make a proper diagnosis.
Many users here in the forum are familiar with the test, so the result will help to better classify your description.

Best regards

1 „Gefällt mir“

my go to information center is Dr. Russel Barkley:


You can watch their interviews with experts on ADHD also on Youtube. I love the talks with Dr. Dodson.

And good information provides also Jessica McCabe:

Hope you find something that works for you in your ADHD journey.

And of course this forum is pure gold!
So if you understand German just search for things that interest you.
Best wishes

1 „Gefällt mir“

I can imagine that by treating your CFS, a major stressor for your central nervous system and your body will be largely eliminated. This in turn will have a positive effect on your ADHD symptoms.

Have you already tried ADHD stimulants or Attomextin or do doctors not want to prescribe you ADHD medication because it is fundamentally incompatible with CFS?

Most information on ADHD you can find in the internet are in English. @pimawa already mentioned some of the best.

Some of the additude webinars you can’t find over the searchbar on YouTube. You have to search over their website and there you can enter an email address (you can use a phantasy email as well :wink: ) and then the website will show the links for YouTube, the slides and if available an podcast version of the individual webinar.

Clonazepam is a benzo, you should take it for long termn, hightly addictive.

There are several studies that a treatment with nicotine patches for several days whould help against CFS.